

KU体育官网APP 海洋研究所港湾分所 (FAU 港分公司) welcomes your enthusiasm, 经验, 还有作为志愿者的能量. Anyone interested in 志愿者ing may complete the application. If you are interested in 志愿者ing at the 海洋探索游客中心, please complete this form 除了志愿者申请. Consideration is given to all applications and placement is based on the Institute’s needs which may include short-term and on-going opportunities.



志愿者s are needed to staff the welcome desk at the FAU 港分公司 海洋探索游客中心.

The 访问ors Center is a destination where the community can come to learn about the research conducted by FAU 港分公司 marine scientists and engineers. The welcome desk attendant has a very important job; as the first person to receive guests entering the 访问ors Center, they are responsible for making a great first impression and promoting our offerings. The attendant’s primary duties include greeting guests as they arrive, 收集基本访客跟踪数据, providing information about current outreach programs, keeping a watchful eye on the 访问ors Center while staff members are busy, and assisting with various organizational tasks as needed.

In addition to being a part of our outreach team, 志愿者s will receive a complimentary Immersion Tour, FAU港口分部礼品店八五折, 以及参加特别活动的机会.

The 访问ors Center is open Tuesday - Saturday from 10- 4 pm. The welcome desk attendant is required to fulfill a minimum of one three-hour shift each week (10 am - 1 pm or 1 pm - 4 pm). If you would like to 志愿者 but are unable to do so on a regular basis, 可能还有其他的机会. The number of 访问ors that come to the center each day is highly variable. 虽然有些日子很忙, others are quiet; 志愿者s must be able to remain seated at the welcome desk for the entirety of their shift and be prepared to greet 访问ors as they arrive. 出于这个原因, 志愿者s are encouraged to bring a book or other quiet activity and will have access to a computer with internet to use during slow periods.


FAU 港分公司 Indian River Lagoon 研究 Boat Tour 志愿者

Training will be provided for activities, props, tools, and any other specific tasks.

  • Willing to lead hands on activities with water quality tools (Secchi disc, a DO/temp. 仪表、折光计等.)
  • Comfortable handling props (shells, pSAT tag, live specimens from net, 等.)
  • Willing to work with guests of all ages (children- seniors)
  • Help usher guests off boat to parking lot after tours
  • 每次游览后帮助重置船上的道具/工具
  • 帮助控制ROV缆绳(可选)
  • 布设浮游生物网(可选)
  • 可以站立长达一个小时
  • 能举起25磅重的东西
  • Able to walk unassisted and go up and down stairs
  • Ideally 志愿者s would commit to at least 1 boat tour per week (2.5- 4小时.)至少一个学期(4个月)


The outreach department is looking for 志愿者s who are interested in assisting with the Ocean Discovery Experience (ODE). ODE is a program that happens before or after school in partnership with the Boys and Girls club. 志愿者s helping with this program will be working with our staff member to teach 学生 about marine science and lead hands on activities! 现在, we the most help is needed for the middle and high school sessions which are scheduled for the month of October. If you are a looking for a high energy 志愿者 opportunity working with 学生 this could be a great opportunity for you!


  • Be comfortable helping with easy science experiments
  • 分发纸张和用品
  • 帮助学生做手工
  • 搬运箱子和用品
  • 举起50磅
  • 使用制作工具
  • 协助教育工作者完成其他小而简单的任务

The Marine Mammal Stranding and Population Assessment (MMSPA) Program 志愿者

The Marine Mammal Stranding and Population Assessment (MMSPA) program is looking for 志愿者s! The MMSPA team conducts boat-based photo-identification surveys for bottlenose dolphins in the Indian River Lagoon several times a month, 全年! 不在船上调查时, there is a significant amount of computer work back at the office involving data entry and photo analysis of these field collected data. We are looking for 志愿者s to help with data entry. 另外, 如果感兴趣, 志愿者s are welcome to help with boat surveys and/or MMSPA education and outreach events.


  • Fluent with using computers for data entry back in the office
  • Be comfortable being on boats for 8-12 hours in very hot or cold weather
  • Ideally 志愿者s would commit to 4 hours/week in the office. This office work will be between 8am-4pm Monday through Friday.
  • Preferably also able to help with boat surveys 1 day/month. Field survey days can be from dawn until dusk, Monday through Friday. Surveys are conducted approximately 5 days/month.
  • 教育 and outreach events could be any day of the week, including weekends. This would include helping with manning a table/booth, 帮助客人参观救护车, 主导儿童小游戏, 等.

